Brant Friesen

 Giclee Canvas and Fine Art Paper Prints

Brant Friesen’s limited edition prints of his oil paintings and drawings are published using the Giclee process with pigment inks, not dye based inks.
A signed Certificate of Authenticity accompanies every limited edition print published by Brant. It is your assurance that it is a legitimate authentic print.

Care of Giclee Fine Art Paper Prints

Giclée art is very stable, offering fade and color shift resistance of up to 200 years. Treat your prints with the same care as any other quality reproduction. Quality, conservation framing by a professional framer is recommended. Stable humidity and light conditions are major factors that determine print life. Do not expose your print to continuous sunlight or an intense, continuous level of artificial light. Control the humidity in the immediate environment.

Care of Giclee Canvas Prints

Giclee canvas prints are shipped stretched with a mirror wrap of 1 1/2 inches. They can be displayed as is or mounted in an inlay frame. Giclée art is very stable, offering fade and color shift resistance of up to 200 years.
Treat your prints with the same care as any other quality reproduction. Stable humidity and light conditions are major factors that determine print life. Do not expose your print to continuous sunlight or an intense, continuous level of artificial light. Control the humidity in the immediate environment.