- Phone Inquiries
Inquiries and orders by phone are welcome. Please Call: 604-351-2805. Call anytime but please note that daily business hours are from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm PST. Feel free to leave a detailed message in voicemail if your call is do directed and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
- Original Paintings and Drawings
Every limited edition print displayed on the Brant Friesen Marine Art website is a reproduction of an original painting or drawing. The original pieces that have not found their way into collections are available for purchase. If you are interested in acquiring an Original Painting or Drawing for your collection, Please Call: 604-351-2805 or email to brantfriesen@shaw.ca
- Express Shipping
Need your Beautiful New Painting in a rush? Please Call 604-351-2805 or email brantfriesen@shaw.ca to discuss express shipping options and pricing.
- Tracking Orders
The shipping date, ETA and tracking information will be sent to you by e-mail for an order shipped by Canada Post or Courier.
- Tax on Canadian Purchases
Pieces shipped to residents of B.C. are subject to B.C. sales taxes of GST 5% and PST 7%. Pieces shipped within Canada but outside BC are only subject to the 5% GST.